Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Lose The Love Handles

By Joyce Vedral
eDiets Guest Columnist
Updated: February 7, 2007

Those dreaded love handles! If only they brought us more love instead of so much grief. But there's good news. You can lose your love handles-or at least most of them in 3 weeks by doing the right routine.

But what are love handles? They are the grab-able bands of fat on the sides of your body. Love handles are also found, depending upon your particular tendency to store fat, in a band all around your back, just above your waistline. Nice information! But how do you get rid of them?

You have to use light weights, and you have to work a certain way -- consistently, with a variety of exercises, until you zap away the fat and replace it with tight, toned, sleek mini-muscles.

The beauty of this workout is, those mini-muscles, once developed, will help you burn overall body fat 24 hours a day, seven days a week, because putting muscle on your body kicks up your metabolism.

Here are two exercises that will help to zap those love handles in record time.

Love Handle Side Oblique Squeeze
Sit in a chair with a light dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent and arms extended outward. Your palms are facing away from your body.
Movement: Flexing your entire side waist area as you go, move your right arm down and forward towards the center of your body. Give that "love handle" area an extra flex and return to start position. Repeat for the other side. Repeat the movement until you have done 12 repetitions for each side of your body.

Love Handle Crush
Bend at the waist until your upper body is almost parallel to the floor, a light dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other. Movement: Flexing your entire back and side "love handle" area, extend your arms outward until they are parallel to the floor. Without resting, return to start position. Repeat 12 times.

Repeat this sequence two more times.

In three weeks you'll see a major meltdown of your love handles, especially if you add more variety to your love handle workout. I want you to e mail me at with your exciting results, or with questions.

For more exercises for getting rid of love handles, and for toning your whole body, go to

Blogger's Note:
Thank you Joyce, as a man, this is one of those areas that I have never been able to completely get rid of.

This article was taken from:

Food Addicts Anonymous

I was reading an article on that talks about food addictions. I have to admit, I probably fit that bill. When I get hungry, I get angry, impatient, and just an all around pain in the ass. It takes every ounce of effort on my part to calm down until I get something in my stomach. Granted, I do work out 5 days a week and have gotten used to eating 6 times a day but I'm still amazedat how crazy I get when I'm hungry.

My wife has been good about it, basically we have to stop whatever we are doing to feed me or she knows I will be a pain.

I never really thought of food as an addiction for me, after all we think of food addicts as obese people that can't control themselves right?

Ironically, there are many of us that are fit and trim and still can't control ourselves around food. There is a Chinese buffet place that we go to often. When we are there, all bets are off. The fact that I can go in and eat 4 or 5 plates of food and then dessert is sickening.

Maybe one day age will set in and portion control will be introduced into my vocabulary. Until then, watch out all you can eat's and buffets...

The article I referenced in is:

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

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